What Are You Storing?

brain storageI recently walked by a local storage lot and noticed what some people pay good money to store. You’d be quite surprised by what I found. I saw some very nice looking RV’s and cars, while at the same time I noticed broken down boats and cars that needed a lot of TLC.
What thoughts are you storing in your mind – valuable truths or broken down lies? Being in the Word of God and allowing the Spirit of God to shed light on what’s stored in your brain is a crucial freedom principle. Once He exposes them, it becomes your choice to either keep the lies or filter them out.
There is freedom in choice, but not in consequence. Don’t be fooled. You will pay a price for leaving them there! Those lies will come out in the behaviors you choose. Don’t let the enemy of your freedom store his garbage in your head free or otherwise.
Use your biblical tools to let only the Spirit store God’s truths in your mind, which when listened to and followed will lead to the good stuff – being more like Jesus.
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Praising for the Good Choices

good choicesI was able to have an early morning board meeting with my Lord today, literally. The water was about 66 degrees and the waves were 1-3’. The Lord and I had great conversations between rides, some of which were great, while others were mediocre and a few were downright awful. Was this a good day because of good rides or a bad day because of the awful ones?
We make good choices and bad choices each day on our journey to listen to and follow Jesus everyday everywhere. Is it a good because of the good choices or a bad one because of the bad ones? If we focus only on the bad ones, we’ll be more apt to take our drugs of choice. If we praise Jesus for the good choices we made in His power and ask forgiveness and learn from the bad ones, greater victory will be had.
Make sure this truth is firmly in your shield of faith: Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith. He’ll get the job done so relax and spend more time praising your Jesus and less time beating yourself up. You’ll become more like Jesus as you do.
Set Free Now“W”w

Remember First Freedom Second

remember rainWe all know the definition of insanity; and yet we continue in our insanity every time we take our drug of choice. One reason I believe we keep doing this is that we forget what it felt like the last time we took them.
And until we remember what our drug of choice brought us last time – regret, guilt, shame, embarrassment, extra pounds, people walking away, insecurity, etc. – we will continue to buy our adversary’ lies. He’s good at getting us to remember how good our drug made us feel, which leads us to taking our drugs of choice.
Until we remember what we’re freed from, we will never be free. Until we start remembering the truth, “Yes my drug made me feel good … for a short time. But soon afterwards, I felt like … (insert your bad feeling).” Until we remember the second part of this statement, we are not ready to be free to be changed into Christ’s image.
Let’s learn from our mistakes so we don’t repeat them. Remember what Jesus freed you from – all the negative side effects of sin – so you can continue to enjoy the good stuff Jesus promises those who walk with Him.
Se“T” Free Nowww

Same Thinking Same Results

same old same oldI usually take a certain path for my prayer walk. I know it’s distance and how long it will take to cover that distance. Knowing this, I can plan my daily schedule, which is a good thing.
It also keeps me in control, which is a not so good thing. Routines keep me in control, which means I don’t need God, the source of the good stuff.
So here’s the problem with routines when it comes to our walks with Jesus. We’re never going to change or become more like Jesus until something changes – like our thinking. The same thinking will result in the same behaviors. Just like taking the same path will give the same results as the previous walks – same time and distance.
A friend told me, “Nothing changes until something changes.” It starts with our thinking and our wills when it comes to being more like Jesus. Will we choose to think differently? If not, we’ll only experience the same results. How’s that working for you? If you want to experience the “abundant life” Jesus came to give you it’s time to let the Spirit of God use the Word of God to exchange your old thinking with something new.
Se“T” Free Nowww

Keep Filtering

keep filteringI recently received the following saying in an email. Filter it using your biblical tools. I did. See if we come up with the same result. Ready? Here goes.
“Let your dreams be bigger than your Fears, Your actions louder than your Words, and Your faith stronger than your Feelings.”
This is exactly as it was written except for the nice colorful background going from light red on the left to orange and then yellow on the right of the screen.
Here is what came out my filter. The focus is not right as it focuses on the problems rather than the solutions. It should have enlarged and bolded Dreams, Actions and Faith, which are the solutions to our challenges, which are fears, words and feelings. We become what we focus on and what we focus on only gets bigger.
Are you focusing on the problems, your challenges, which only get bigger over time, or the solutions, your Savior – the One who tells you who you are and what you can become (Dream), the One who gives you the strength to head that direction (Actions), and finally, the One who is the foundation and perfecter of your faith to keep you going even when the winds of life blow hard against you.
Filter life everyday everywhere so you can keep listening to and following Jesus, the One who brings victory!
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