What You See May Not Be True

nonrealityJesus is sitting around the table, more like lounging back then, with His disciples enjoying a Passover Seder. He says one of those at the table with Him will betray Him.
Those eating with Him ask who. He says it will be the guy He gives a piece of bread to after dipping it. They saw Jesus hand it to Judas. The guys saw Judas leave the meal, thinking he was going to run an errand as he was the team’s treasurer. They heard and saw it, but still didn’t get it!
How many times have you been fooled by what you’ve seen and heard? Quite often what we’ve received through our senses, including our feelings, is not totally accurate. Yet, we make decisions based upon this inaccurate information, including the taking of our drugs of choice.
This is all the more reason why we must use our Freedom tools everyday everywhere. The truth sets us free; therefore, we need an outside source of truth to help us determine whether the data that makes its way to our brains is true. Make sure you have time to listen to Jesus in His Word and slow down throughout your day to ask Him to help you see through the situations you face.
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One thought on “What You See May Not Be True

  1. Your entry today hit a little too close to home just now. I know God was just using you to speak into the situation I’m dealing with. But honestly my friend I’ve never seen the Lord work like that before. People say it was exactly what I needed to hear exactly when I needed it. But I cannot emphasize how much of an understatement that is in this instance.

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