The Voice of the Shepherd

lambI recently watched God work in a mighty way at one of our MiniChurches (our home fellowships/churches). As the group worked their way through John 10, lights went on big time. The group discovered and discussed the important points of a shepherd in John 10:1-10. Among other things, the group saw that Jesus knows His sheep by name and that His sheep know Him by voice and follow Him.
“Frank”, a person in the group, spoke up. “I’m going through that right now. I think I know what He wants me to do, but I’m not sure.” After letting the group in on a few details, people, with filters on, were getting insights from the Spirit to share with him. A few moments later The Light went on in his head. He realized he was basing his decision on fear rather than on the truths of God’s Word. The group didn’t tell him what to do. They simply listened to the voice of their Shepherd along with him. Everyone went away stoked at what God had done!
I often hear Christians say, “I don’t need the church. I can worship Jesus on a mountain top by myself.” This statement is both true and false. True, they can worship Jesus on a mountain by themselves. False, they don’t need the church. The Spirit of God using the Word and people of God are needed for us to become more like and in love with Jesus. Yeah, we don’t need a church service, but we do need those in the church to draw us closer to Jesus. Who are the people of God in your life?
Set Free Noww“W”

One thought on “The Voice of the Shepherd

  1. Right on! The enemy wants us to isolate ourselves & fills our head with negative thoughts about the church. People may disappoint, but God never does.

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