Taking Our Toxins

toxic I was talking about the Shalom or Peace Offering in Leviticus when it hit me. In this particular sacrifice, the person offered the kidneys, the liver and the fat. What they all have in common is their ability to filter out toxins. When these animals were killed and sacrificed, they still had toxins in their system. The person gave up their toxins to God in order to experience peace with God.
When we put our faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, where He took our toxic/sinful lives on Himself, we get peace with God. We are no longer enemies of God, but rather children of God.
Romans 12:2 states we are transformed by the renewing our minds, which is also a toxic filtering organ. It receives data from outside and inside us. We are then to filter out the toxins/lies using the truths of God in order to make healthy choices through the Spirit’s power, which gives us the peace of God.
God takes our poisonous choices and gives us forgiveness because of Jesus. He takes our toxic thoughts and gives us peace in and through Jesus. Stop carrying around your toxic thoughts and attitudes! Give them to Jesus, who provided the way to get rid of them through the cross, and focus on the truths He gives you. This will bring peace to your mind and heart.
This truth should give us pause to reflect on just how good and loving our God is. This truth should also move us to get rid of the toxicity in our lives and be at peace.
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