2% Daily Improvement

A long journey is a series of short steps.

My wife and I recently spent time in El Salvador, the home of my bonus son, Americo. While there, he took us on a hike up a volcano. This hike would gain 1,400 feet in elevation over 1.9 miles. Some hike, right?!

We were told, though, about this beautiful view when we arrived. We could either be intimidated to not take the hike by viewing it as a whole (1400’); or, we could be encouraged to go and simply take it one step at a time.

We choose the later. And oh, this beautiful view was more than worth the effort it took to get there!

Our walks with Jesus are much the same. We can’t always see the top or end of a particular hike; but, we can take it one step at time until get where He wants us to be.

Note: Life transformation is not for wimps! Our journey to become like Christ must be viewed as one small step by another small step relying on the Father’s grace and mercy along the way.

This is why the author of Hebrews tells us to encourage each other as long as it is called today (Heb. 3:13). Right now. This moment. Pray, text, call, do something to help a fellow Jesus traveler along their hike.

Life transformation is possible! Someone once told me that he strives to improve 2% each day. He could take small steps of obedience today to eventually arrive where Christ wanted him to be tomorrow.

The cliché, “the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step,” is true. 2% is doable my friends, especially when you have others walking with you one step at a time.

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