Victory Comes Through Practice

I ran across a most interesting statement. “Practice makes perfect is not a cliché but in fact an axiom. Practice cuts new grooves into your mental wiring while your body develops muscle memory – performing the same action over and over until muscle and synapse work in unison and thinking was erased from the equation.” In other words, a new habit is formed.
This goes hand in hand with what I said earlier this week. Biblical Christianity is about replacing me with Jesus not adding Him to me. Practicing the Freedom process everyday is how the Spirit gets it done. We tend to make bad decisions, use our drugs of choice, when we’re in emotional, spiritual or physical pain. Our drug of choice is how we cope with the pain. The Bible calls this an unhealthy stronghold (2 Cor. 10:4), which the Spirit wants to pull down and replace with another stronghold – Jesus. Living His way is the only to find what we’re searching for in life – love, significance and security.
The more we practice (Phil. 4:9) allowing the Spirit of God to replace the lies in our thinking with and then practicing the truth at the point of that lie, He’s rewiring our brain. As this happens, we’re replacing us with Jesus so that when no matter where the pain comes from we’ll respond in a Christ-like manner. Victory over the sin-confession-sin cycle is done through Spirit empowered practicing the truth. Keep practicing!
Set “Free” Nowww

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