Destined for Greatness

destinyYou were created for greatness! Adam and Eve were created with a job they could do as they lived in the presence of God. They were successful at it too…until they choose to turn their back on the very God who created them to do that job. They were destined for victory until they thought they could do life better without Him.
Crazy thinking, huh? Yet this is thinking we must overcome as well. When we came to faith in Christ, we were made winners, not losers; victors, not victims! We are created in Christ Jesus. We have been given a job to do by Him. Sound like we’re back in the Garden again? In a way, we are.
As secure children of God, we’ve been given both the mind and nature of Christ. We’ve been destined for greatness. We can experience victory everyday everywhere. The question is, “Will we choose to walk with Jesus in that victory as we live our daily lives?
Let the Spirit of God replace your stinking thinking with Christ’s winning thinking. In Jesus, you can overcome your drugs of choice as you are a victor in Jesus. It’s time to start living the destiny Christ has given you.
Set Free Now“W”w

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