Pursue Passion

pursue passionThe reason I traveled the journey to learn the life changing process God laid in Scripture was that my dreams were being crushed. Others could make or keep my dreams from becoming reality. This insecure state of mind led me to lean on my drugs of choice, instead of Jesus, to bring me the pleasure that achieving those dreams would have brought me.
As dreams can be crushed by others, allow me to let you in on a secret. Don’t pursue your dreams. Pursue your passion. Others can affect your dreams, but not your passion. As a secure child of God, be who Jesus made you to be, not who or what someone else wants you to be or do. As we pursue the passion(s) the Spirit of God put within us, we will feel the pleasure that comes with pursuing that passion, which lessens our drive to take our drugs of choice.
Continue to listen to and follow Jesus everyday everywhere and you’ll discover and be able to pursue the passion He put within you. Pursue your passion in Jesus and you’ll enjoy the life He came to give you. Pursue your passion for Jesus and you’ll never be disappointed as you will be doing what He put in your heart. Pursue your passion with Jesus, no matter whether anyone ever recognizes or pays you for doing it and you’ll be the secure child of God that you are.
As you pursue your Jesus given passion(s) you will get to know Jesus in ways you never dreamed possible before. So, go ahead. Don’t be afraid. Get out of your man-made box and pursue your God-given passion with your personal Savior, Jesus Christ.
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