A Christian Killing

II have a very difficult time going to bed at night, which makes getting up for my early morning Jesus walk-talk even more difficult. Yet, He calls me out of bed to walk with Him. What do I really want to do? Sleep! Why not make the walk-talk at night when it would be so much easier. But, do I really know better, is the question. Quite frankly, no.
I is the hardest thing to kill, but die it must. Believers must allow the Spirit to kill I as it stores all kinds of harmful data on which they make their daily decisions (2 Cor. 10:3-6 – “pretensions”). We see in Scripture that Jesus had to go to war on I before His public ministry even started.
The Spirit led Jesus to the killing grounds – the desert (Matt. 4:1-11). While there, the tempter attacked. Twice the evil one said, “If you are the Son of God…” Of course Jesus is the Son of God. Could He turn stones to bread? Sure, as God, He made them. Could He jump off the Temple wall and live? Of course, as God, He made the physical laws and could override them.
Instead Jesus surrenders His I to Scripture. He bends His will to the Father’s. He reflected (i.e. glorified) the Father in everything He said and did, even to the point of death to become the “source of eternal salvation for all who obey (submit their I) to Him (Heb. 5:7-9).
Christians, true followers of Jesus, will allow the Spirit to kill I with each decision made throughout their day. It won’t be easy. But just as Jesus knew who He was and surrendered, so can we as secure children of God. The question for you today is, “Will you?”
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