When Losing is Winning

“Jesus did what He did because of Who He was.”
Jesus knew who He was, the Son of God. He then followed the Father or did what He did based on that truth. It is foundational to what He asked of us: deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him.
Jesus is asking us to divorce ourselves from ourselves (deny), and take it a step further by killing self (cross). Since its dead, self can’t speak, which means you can listen to and follow someone else – Jesus.
Hear me now. I don’t get something from God by doing something for God. This is religion. I get something from God because of who I am – God’s child through faith in Jesus.
He made me the Father’s unconditional child. I am now a saint with a self-challenge that continually needs to die so I can better follow Him.
Every time I choose to lose self, I win by becoming more like Jesus. This brings what I was looking for when I was calling the shots in the first place – fulfillment.
Therefore, take a breath. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Slow is fast. Cease from trying to make things happen. It’s not your job. Your job is to know who you are and simply follow Him.

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