Assured Destination

Your current situation is not your final destination.
“We all are on a trajectory from what we are to what we will be. The moral absolutes found in Scripture rightly orient us on the road map. But the process heads out on the actual long, long journey in the right direction. What matters most is not the distance you’ve covered. It’s not the speed you’re going. It’s not how long you’ve be on the journey or how much time you have left. It’s the direction your heading.” Dr. Dave Powlison
In my understanding of Scripture, the moment you place your faith in Jesus, your destination is assured. You’ve chosen to make the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac your God. In doing so, you made the Father, your Dad; Jesus, your brother; and, the Spirit, your guide.
I know that’s simplistic. But hang with me. The Father started this work in you; and, He will finish it. Jesus is the author of your faith; and, He will perfect it. The Spirit drew you to Jesus; and, He will continue to do so.
Your life now is a God thing. Trust Him to build your faith, not you. It’s His job. Trust Him to be in the midst of the journey as well at its end. He is fully capable and willing to finish bringing you home.
Yes, we want to move further down the road. Jesus is there and always makes our lives more complete and fulfilling, though not always easy.
The God of heaven and earth has you! And your perfection, becoming like Jesus, is His job. You’re just enjoying the scenery along the way.

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