Images of God

Images. Scripture is full of them. Images our Father gives us in order to retain our brains with truths that will set us free. 

Mountains are often compared to faithfulness and strength. Rivers bring peace and pleasantness. While our prayers are seen as a pleasing aroma before God.

It’s hard to imagine peace. We can, however, have a calm river slowly meandering downstream fixed in our mind’s eye.

Jesus is peace, not just the bringer of peace. It is who He is. Therefore, we get peace from being in His presence. How? Imagine or focus on that peaceful river. 

The Spirit put that image into Scripture for a reason! He knew we would need visuals in order to grasp who our God is. 

Stress is caused by focusing on what you can’t do or have no control over. Peace comes by focusing on the One who is in control and can do it. Which one would you rather have, peace or stress?

What scriptural image will you choose to focus on about God that can soak into your brain to wash out the garbage thoughts that take you away from His presence?

As you read God’s Word, let the Spirit pop them off the pages and into your brain. Then choose to focus on the truth behind them and your life will be changed for the better. 

Remember, you become what you focus on and what you focus on only gets bigger. So where will your focus be today? 

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