Review Mirror Perspective

“God has a purpose behind every challenge. He uses them to develop your character.” Rick Warren

In search for work, a man, his wife, and their two sons leave home. Their travels lead them to a neighboring country. That’s a lot of moving!

While in their new homeland, their sons grow up to be men and marry wonderful women. Everyone is fulfilled and content, though, grandchildren elude them.  

Then disaster strikes. Death hits the family big time! First, the dad passes away. Then, the boys follow in him. How much can a family take, right?

The mourning widow decides to move back to the country of her birth. She not only hears there is work, but she also wants to be closer to family.

She left home with a full quiver only to return without anyone but her ex-daughter-in-law. She views herself as a huge failure.

One could draw the conclusion that this family’s history would be better forgotten.

Maybe. The Spirit wrote it down in the book of Ruth for all to remember. She was the daughter-in-law who moved to a new country. She marries an Israeli man named Boaz and becomes the great-grandmother of Israel’s greatest king, David. And, she is a direct descendant of Jesus, the King of Kings.

Was this story one of disaster or one of preparation?

If a disaster, we love a God who can redeem our past mistakes that can be used in the present. Or, our challenges can simply have been preparing us for the good work Jesus has for us now, even if it is years later.

Either way, be encouraged. Jesus is on the throne!

We may not always know the why of life, but we follow a God who does. It may not look like He is control, but He is. This is the practical application of Romans 8:28.

Relax and stop wasting time stressing over your past. Let your God put a smile on your face as you follow Him today. Ruth did and look who she became!

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