Beyond Comfort

“My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.” Oswald Chambers

After 50 years of marriage, my mother-in-law shocked my father-in-law. We were at a Harley Davidson store at the base of Denali where she purchased an eagle based theme Harley t-shirt. This left my father-in-law speechless!

After 50 years of marriage, he was still learning about his bride. In fact, a few years later she took it a little further when she wanted to ride a Harley for her birthday, which she did!

You should have seen the smile on his face. 50 years of getting to know each other and there were still nice surprises along the way.

We get an eternity worth of time to experience those surprises with our God. Ever think why need an eternity? It is because He is by nature eternal.

Scripture can only contain so much about Who God is. Thus, we get an endless amount of “time” in order to experience all there is to know about Him. An innumerable amount  of nice surprises lay ahead of us, starting now.

Peace. Experienced it. Love. Known that. Joy. Pretty nice. Why do we keep asking for these when there are other aspects of God’s character just waiting to be explored?

I think Chambers had it right. Our goal in life should be God Himself, nothing more, nothing less. God wants us to resist settling for anything or anyone short of Him by drawing closer to Him.

Don’t settle for facts already known. Experience more of His character transformed into your character that sometimes is learned through being pushed beyond your comfort zone.

You love an eternal God. Spend time getting to know Him in ways you’ve never before known. How about starting now? Get into the Word and ask Him, “Lord show me something about you that I need to experience.” Guess what? He will.

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