Keep Fighting

The battle never ends.

I heard the above phrase while watching a true story of four men fighting for hours to stay alive during an enemy attack.

They were being hit with round after round, shrapnel and shards of rock caused by exploding rounds. During the fight, they kept reminding each other that the battle never ends. In other words, you keep fighting.

This is true for Jesus believers as well. There is evil in the world that wants to destroy our lives, which is why warfare is mentioned so many times in scripture.

We are fighting a big time spiritual war, which never ends unless we quit and let the enemy win or we go home to be with Jesus.

Therefore, we have been given scriptural weapons to fight this battle fought mainly in our minds. Paul talks about the Spirit fighting against our old programing to bring us victory (Galatians 5:16-17).

He talks about the Jesus believer being given the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16) and the power to demolish strongholds (defensive mechanisms), justifications and thoughts that oppose Jesus (2 Cor. 10:3-6).

He also mentions that we have been given the Spirit of power, love and a saving mind (2 Tim. 1:7) Saving mind? Yes, though some translators insert the phrase sound mind or self-control, the base word is actually the verb to be saved or made whole!

We have been given the mind of Christ so we can think truth and then the power to act on that truth to be set free and experience victory, which makes us whole or like Jesus!

Don’t let evil win. Keep battling to take each thought (ingrained programming or thoughts coming at you) and match it with the truth in order to love Jesus through asking the Spirit for the power to make the faith choice to follow Jesus. This process rewires your brain brings about true Jesus life change.

Yet, know this. As long as you are on this planet, this battle never ends. So, keep fighting! Jesus, however, promises this process will set you free and bring victory.

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