Empty Comes Before Filling

I often hear Christians say, “Lord fill me up with You.” What they don’t understand is that they first must pray, “Lord, empty me of me.” Imagine a cup filled with gooey slime. Would you hand this cup to a waiter and say, “Fill it up”? No, the cup must first be emptied of the slime and washed out before you fill it up with cool refreshing water. You don’t want to drink any of that nasty slime!
Christianity is not about adding Jesus to you. Biblical Christianity is about getting rid of you and replacing it with Jesus. This is what daily living with a Biblical worldview (Set Free Nowww) does. It’s the process of emptying yourself of you so Jesus can replace it with Himself. Unless God performs a miracle, this process is neither easy nor quick. It is, however, quiet satisfying and the only character qualities that will last forever (1 Cor. 3:8-15).
Drinking from Jesus never leaves a nasty after taste in our mouths. Letting the Spirit replace our nasty tasting choices (i.e. drugs of choice) character with Jesus’ brings us the love, significance and security we so desperately want to taste. So the next time you want more of Jesus, be ready for Him to ask, “Are you ready for Me to remove from something from your life?”
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