Hummingbird Lessons

hummingbirdWhile walking the other day a hummingbird zipped across my path. I’m continually amazed at the amount of energy it expends just to stay in place. I’m sure it’s looking at or for something while it hangs in midair, but its wings are still humming along at quite a rapid pace.
Couple of thoughts here. One, if you’re standing still it should be to rest while restoring your energy sources not depleting them. Yet, how often do we spend needless energy on worry, anger and stress while standing in place? Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Life on this planet is temporary; and thus, so are our challenges. Life can deplete us. Let Jesus refill by standing firm on the truths He gives so your mind can rest.
Two, when you start walking with the Author of life learn to relax. If you’re going to expend energy, spend the Spirit’s power, not your own. Letting go of I and me can be difficult, but learning to Him is less exhausting than living in your power.
Both standing and going forward mean rest for the secure child of God. The more He takes over, the more we can rest in place or while humming along.
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