Man, I Needed This!

Slowing down doesn’t mean stopping.
I enjoy walking the hills around my house. The trails through these hills, however, are shrinking due to fewer hikers using them.
This lower usage is allowing the plants to grow back, effectively making the trails much harder to use.
As you walk the path Jesus has for you through meditating and acting upon the truths He gives from His Word, you’re laying down and strengthening new neural pathways (“trails”) on your brain or what Scripture calls “renewing your mind.”
And though hard at first, the more you keep walking on this trail, the easier it will be to walk on it in the days ahead.
Yet if you stop walking on this trail, the vegetation of your old unfulfilled life will creep back.
So, when Scripture says to slow down and know that Jesus is God, it does not mean to stop and do nothing!
All it means is to keep walking on the trail He’s laid out for you at the pace He wants for you at the moment. He’s in no hurry, so why should you? Enjoy the journey. He’s walking with you!
Man, I needed to hear this!

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