Appreciative Tears

happy tearsI couldn’t hold back the tears. The truth of Isaiah 53:5 continues to affect me at the oddest times and places. “Jesus was pierced for my transgressions, Jesus was crushed for my iniquities; the punishment that brought me peace was on Jesus, and by Jesus’ wounds I was healed.”
My drug of choice taking caused a spear to ram into His chest. My attempts to meet my needs my way caused the weight of the world to crash down on His shoulders and separate Him from His Father. My negative attitudes resulting in less than stellar choices caused Him to be stripped to the waist and whipped beyond recognition. My hurtful words were justice meted out as men repeatedly punched His face.
Jesus took what I deserved in order to give me what I didn’t deserve. He bore the brunt of my selfish stupidity so I could have the possibility of a better life both now and forever and of experiencing a kind of peace that defies circumstances. This is what caused me to tear up this afternoon and say, “Jesus, I sure do love You.”
I personalized this verse. Maybe you should as well. If you do, you might want to have a tissue or a dry corner of your sleeve ready just in case.
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