Timeless Eternity Today

timelessSomeone once said, “Hold everything earthly with a loose hand; but grasp eternal things with a death-like grip.” Time is earthly. It’s a physically created property, which ends when we leave this planet. Its final demise comes with the new heaven and earth.
Some try to take possession of time by cramming lots of stuff into blocks of it with the hope that their existence on this planet will have meaning, that they will have left their mark on history, a measurement of time. There are those who squander time knowing that how they live on this planet will never be remembered anyways, so why care about it in the first place. And finally there are those who use time somewhere in the middle of the two.
Jesus said He is the beginning and the end of time (Rev. 21:6) and to rest in Him (Matt. 11:28-30). He never said that we’d sit and do nothing; thus squandering our time on this planet. Neither did He say that we’d work our hands to the bones trying to meaning from life through lots of activities. He did say that His yoke is easy and His burden light.
We are to live each day in His presence, the true meaning of resting in Christ. We are to enjoy Him as we do the “good works” He created us to do each day from eating breakfast in the morning (1 Cor. 10:31) to praising Him as we head off to sleep at night (Ps. 63:6). He doesn’t need us to do anything for Him. He wants us to do everything we do with Him.
We can never possess time, but we can let Jesus possess us. What we do with Him each day, no matter where we find ourselves, has eternal, or timeless, value today. Learn to live with Jesus today, not for Him, by using your biblical tools to let go of the earthly to hold onto the eternal.
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