War Talk

war talkI received a very important text before I went to sleep last night asking me to pray. This person was under heavy spiritual warfare and was asking me to join the battle for them. I immediately spent time in conversation with God. Afterwards, I read my Bible and drifted off to sleep.
Throughout the night, however, I kept waking up. I’ve learned over the years to ask the Lord, “Is there someone You want me to pray for?” when this happens. Sure enough, the Spirit brought this person’s name to mind. I went to war for them in the heavenlies and then back to sleep. What seemed like minutes, I was awake again praying for them. This happened repeatedly throughout the early morning hours. Funny thing about all this though was that I woke rested despite not getting a full night sleep.
This kind of warfare is talked about in Ephesians 6, especially the war talk in verse18, “Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.”
Notice the passage says “at all times.” This means early morning hours and any time the Spirit puts someone on your heart. This is what is meant by praying for each others’ healing in James 5:16. Victory comes when we go to war with each other by talking to God for each other. Yet, you never know when your Bible Impact partner is going to be attacked by the enemy to take their drug of choice!
Our victory is dependent upon us praying for each other, but we never know when our enemy will attack. So constantly be ready to go to war with and for each other, even at the strangest times like the early morning hours.
Set Free Noww“W”

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