Keep Taking Out the Trash

take out garbageYesterday I challenged my new batch of biblical worldview students. I said for many of them this would be an entirely new way of thinking. They were not going to “get it” simply by taking the class as I was only introducing God’s process of how to think through daily life using His Word.
They were going to need to re-read my book so they could refresh themselves on the biblical tools/truths I was teaching them how to use. They could sign-up for my blog and get further insights into the Set Free Nowww principles. I told them I needed the blog information for myself!
We are fish swimming in a cesspool where the fish die if the filter stops working. The enemy never stops trying to infiltrate our minds as he knows it’s the only way to control us. We can’t shut him up! We can, however, as secure children of God, filter the polluted water, his thinking, through the FREEdom process. We can replace the stinking thinking with fresh truths.
As long as we are on this polluted planet, we must keep using these tools to filter every thought. The moment you stop, the moment you think you’ve arrived or have them down pat, is the moment you begin the decent backwards. The enemy never stops lying to you so keep your filters running. It’s the only way to walk and stay free from your drugs of choice to become more like Jesus!
Set “FREE” Nowww

Encounter Jesus – Touch a Life – who needs to hear what you’ve just read?

Work Work Work Work Work – Will It Ever End?

sabbathWork Monday. Work Tuesday. Work Wednesday. Work Thursday. Work Friday. Work Saturday. Work Sunday. Work Monday. Work Tuesday. Work, nothing but work. If you live this way, what have you wired your brain to do? Work. What is the meaning of this life? Work.
Then Christ invades your work world. Now, what does your work programmed brain want to add to your life? A work based religion. Yet, Jesus came to bring us relief from that work based thinking (Hebrews 4:1-3). Jesus was asked in John 6:28, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” His answer was, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent.” Belief in what Jesus did and will do in and through you brings rest!
It’s quite interesting that the 4th Commandment is to have a weekly Sabbath or rest. Six days you would work. And one you would rest. Work then rest. Belief then rest.
I love how one author explained the Sabbath. The Sabbath “uniquely elevated the human being. For nearly all of human history, life consisted overwhelmingly of work. In effect, humans were beasts of burden. This commandment changed all that by insisting that people cease working one day out of seven. It also reminds people that they were meant to be free. Remember that slaves cannot have a Sabbath; only free men and women can. Unless necessary for survival, people who choose to work seven days a week were and are essentially slaves — slaves to work or perhaps to money, but slaves nonetheless.”
God used the Sabbath as a picture of Jesus (Col. 2:16-19), the One who came to set us free from the slavery of work (Gal. 5:1) and to elevate us to sonship (John 1:12). Learn to rest in Jesus throughout your day as you go about your daily work. Learn to take a day off to rest (relax from your to-do lists) as a reminder of what Jesus did and is doing for you – giving you the ability to rest in His love, rest in His provision, and rest in being a secure child of God who knows where they’re heading because of whose hands they are in.
“S”et Free Nowww