Fighter Options

skydiveI read about a gentleman who actually enjoyed leaving the safe confines of a perfectly good airplane to fall through the air. They call this skydiving. On this particular jump, he left the plane on a very windy and rainy night. Why, oh why, would someone do that, right?
After descending to his desired altitude, he manually pulled his “rip cord” to release his main shoot. That’s when a good night all of a sudden went bad…quick. He had fewer than fifteen seconds to get his situation righted; or, well, let’s just say he would be scraped off the ground with a spatula.
He would later say, “I knew whatever I tried might well be futile, but I was going to stay with this problem and fight it until I opened a parachute or I bounced.” He realized he had two options. One, he could resign himself to the inevitable and bounce; or, he could fight to keep mentally processing the situation through his training to have a shot at living. Needless to say, he lived.
You too can experience the life Jesus came to give you, if you choose to fight and stay focused on Him in every struggle, in every difficult situation, you face. With the Spirit’s help, you must keep processing every situation, even the “hopeless” ones, through Jesus and His Word. As you choose the fighting option, you too can land on your feet and live. Where will your focus be today?
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