Don’t Forget to Meditate

meditationI was reflecting on a video I recently watched, “The Garden of Your Mind,” by Fred Rodgers, better known as Mister Rogers. The video has this line, “Did you grow anything in the garden of your mind? You can grow ideas in the garden of your mind. Think and they will grow.”
This is scientifically accurate. Basically put, thoughts you give time to grow and the ones you don’t die off. Therefore, what you think about will eventually bring about life change – positively or negatively.
This is where biblical meditation enters the video of your mind. As we think on a scriptural truth over and over again, we are growing that truth or renewing our mind. The more we think about what that truth means, how to live it out and then choose to act on that truth, our lives will begin to change.
It’s been said, “My struggle is real, but my goals are obtainable.” This is only true if meditation (see Joshua 1:8) on the truths given you by Jesus take place during that struggle. It takes time to retrain your brain, so don’t forget to mediate throughout your day.
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