Christian Cliches – Not!

“The church is who we are, not where we go.”

Have you ever heard someone tell you, “Just lay it at the feet of Jesus”? I have and I want to scream, “How?!”

Clichés are nice sayings, but living in a broken world as broken people trying to grow in our love for and obedience to Jesus is not, I repeat, is not easy or in any way a cliché experience.

Walking against the flow of our past inputs (Galatians 5:17) is a difficult process. This is why the Spirit put us into the church – a group of people walking toward Jesus together – the moment we became children of God.

Yet, we struggle to let fellow brothers and sisters into this struggle. We either fear being judge, tossed aside or worse thinking that we are the only ones struggling with loving Jesus the way we struggle.

Lie. Lie. Lie. The Spirit tells us that we all struggle with something (1 Cor. 10:13) as we are all broken people being made whole (i.e. saved).

We are the church so be the church. So, who shares this walk with you in a non-cliché, honest and transparent way? This is the process to be made whole (James 5:16).

Stop the clichés – Christian or otherwise. Only truth worked out with other believers does. Lay it at the feet of Jesus means to let others know about your struggle so they can pray for and carry it with you.

Lessen your load. Let others into the real struggle so you can experience being set free, the changed life, Jesus promised to give you when you became God’s child.

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