Faith Stretching Focus

“When we work, we work. When we talk to God, He works.” Hudson Taylor

I had had a great time in the Word the evening before we went kayak fishing on Tioga Lake, just outside Yosemite National Park.

I’ll paraphrase what the Spirit had Habakkuk write. When there is no hope for future employment, food on the shelves and your current reserves are next to nothing, what do you do? You rejoice in the Lord and take joy in the God of your salvation (Hab. 3:17-19). He is the one who provides your security, not your situation.

What does this have to do with fishing? If you knew me, you know how competitive I can be. I don’t mind others catching fish. In fact, I brag with my friends, “We don’t fish, we catch.”

And, I especially love the way my bonus son cooks fresh trout. It’s yummy delicious. I’m hoping everyone catches their limit as that means more yummy deliciousness to go around.

Well…keep in mind we were all using the same rigging and bait while fishing in the same spot. Yet, everyone caught their limit while I brought nothing home. Was I frustrated? What do you think!?

Yet, the Lord brought Habakkuk to mind. Was my competitive nature going to ruin my entire time? It was a gorgeous day of deep blue skies while an eagle soared above. What could be better? Fish on my stringer; oops, I mean nothing. LOL.

It’s a visual I use when I can’t get a grip on the future based on the present. My Father tells me, despite what I see, rather don’t see, to rejoice in Him, not in what I’m not seeing. He will take care of me today and tomorrow. Will I trust Him in the midst of uncertainty?

Faith requires God’s child to examine their focus. Is it on the Father and what He has done and can do or on themselves?

You become what you focus on and what you focus on only gets bigger. So, let your faith stretch your focus so you can enjoy today with your Father while He fixes what you can or cannot see.  

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