Gotta Let It Go

Anchors are good, unless they’re holding you back.

My wife and I like to fish from our kayaks while taking in the majestic scenery around us. And once we find a spot where the fish are biting, we put down anchor so our kayaks stay in that place. We want to spend more time fishing than we do setting up to or trolling for fish.

Yet if the fish stop biting, we have to pull up anchor to go where they are. In our walks with Christ, it’s scary to pull up that anchor!

We love to stay put even though the fish are long gone while blaming our complacency on the false belief that the fish have just stopped biting. Maybe, or maybe it’s because change is hard.

Change, however, leads us to where Christ wants us to be…closer to Him. We must be willing to let the past victories go, the hurts from our losses or the hurts others have caused us in order to move forward with Jesus.

There is a song I sung as a kid, “Where He leads me I will follow.” This has not always been true in my life. Probably like you, I like being comfortable; and yet, walking with Him is not always comfortable.

Yes, anchors keep is stable. They were not meant, though, to stay in one place forever. They were meant to hold us in place until a need to move arose.

Is Jesus asking you to move forward? If so, it’s time to pull up anchor and move to where He wants you to be.

Have the fish have moved on, but you haven’t? It’s time to recognize that you love comfort and normal more than growing as a believer in Jesus.

Is Christ asking you to move to a new location, a new ministry, a new of thinking or believing? Whatever it is, you gotta let it go to find the true fulfillment that can only be found in moving forward with Jesus.

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