You’re in Good Company

Being a Christian is about constant progress towards perfection.

When we say that we are Christians, we must understand what the word means biblically, not culturally. The word is only used three times, but tells quite a story.

1 Peter 4:12-17 tells us that we are to live as Christ lived. My paraphrase, “Don’t be ashamed of suffering as a Christian. Instead, give thanks to the Father because you’re in good company! Jesus suffered too.”

In last week’s entry, Rejoice in the Small Victories, we talked about becoming more like Jesus. We are to let the Spirit change our lives with each small step/victory at a time, which allows others to see Jesus in both our actions and our words.

This process, however, will not always go over well with others. Acts 11:26 reveals that believers in Jesus were called Christians. They didn’t give this name to themselves. It was a backhanded compliment by those who saw Jesus in them. “Oh, you’re just a Jesus follower.” Yup. I am. Thank you very much.

King Herod took it to another level. He used it in contempt of what Paul was sharing with him. “You want me to become a Christian. You’ve got to be kidding!” (Acts 26:28) No, Herod, Jesus is the King of Kings and you need Him, not the other way around.

Becoming like Jesus will neither be easy nor popular, especially as it gets progressively harder to be a biblical Christian in the West. It’s already hard in Africa, the Middle East, and East (

Becoming like Jesus will produce, however, a hope beyond measure about today and the future (read Rom. 5:3-5). Therefore, keep taking those small steps of victory. You’re in good company – fellow Christians who are taking those same small steps and Jesus who suffered for…well, being Jesus.

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