False Facts?

false factsFact: something that actually exists; truth; something said to be true or supposed to have happened.
This dictionary definition of “fact” states that a fact can be both true and false! No wonder a certain advertiser can make the following statement about their product: These facts may or may not be true.
A well known columnist once wrote, “If people worship pleasure and material things, they are more likely to get leaders (and advertisers – my note) who give them what they want instead of what they need to hold society together. If we erase the boundaries that have guided humanity for generations, we weaken our society.”
We live in a weakened society where facts don’t have to be true! Our enemy controls all the messages we hear save one – the Word of God! Who will you listen to today? What filter will you use for truth that will set you free from all negative consequences – society’s or Jesus’?
It sounds obvious, but we all have excuses (dare I say, lame ones?) for not being with and in the Word throughout our day. Hopefully, you’re using the FREEdom process to eliminate yours.
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Today is Now

today not tomorrowA friend recently said, “There is enough time, but no longer all the time in the world.” It’s another way of saying, “Don’t put off until tomorrow, what you can do today because there might not be a tomorrow.”
Our enemy tries to get us to believe that we can take our drug of choice without consequence; and, since we’re already doing it, what’s a little more for a little while longer? What a great lie.
Grace doesn’t give us tomorrow, let alone all the time in the world. It gives us today, this very moment, to choose to walk with Jesus to enjoy the sweet fragrance of His presence while avoiding the stench of our failure.
The time is now to enjoy Jesus. It’s well worth the effort to FREEdom out the great lie.
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Oh Not That One!

drugs of choiceCome on, cookie dough? Yes, cookie dough can be a drug if it’s where you turn, rather than to Jesus, to feel better about yourself.
We have to stop playing the game, “Well, I’m not doing that bad. In fact, compared to the coke head, I’m doing just great.” This mentality leads to a finger pointing that turns people off to Jesus as they see the hypocrisy in our lives. It also means we’re comparing ourselves to the wrong standard. Jesus is the only One we’re to measure our daily decisions by as He is the only source of the ultimate feel good here on this planet and when we leave it.
Guilt is not a Jewish, Roman Catholic or Baptist thing to keep people in line. (Though it’s often used that way!) The Spirit of God uses guilt to get us to stop and take inventory of our lives: Is our way of making decisions and living working? If not, the Spirit hopes we’ll turn around (aka repent) and look to Jesus for what real living is in the here and now.
I admit it. I love chocolate chip cookies, especially right out of the oven. They can be the feel good drug I turn to; but, I also know that the good feeling only lasts for about 30 seconds. Jesus, not chocolate chip cookies, will bring a feel good feeling that will last a lot longer. Thus, I’m willing to let the Spirit use guilt to get me to turn away from anything, and I mean anything, that comes between me and Jesus. How about you?
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