Don’t Forget to Meditate

meditationI was reflecting on a video I recently watched, “The Garden of Your Mind,” by Fred Rodgers, better known as Mister Rogers. The video has this line, “Did you grow anything in the garden of your mind? You can grow ideas in the garden of your mind. Think and they will grow.”
This is scientifically accurate. Basically put, thoughts you give time to grow and the ones you don’t die off. Therefore, what you think about will eventually bring about life change – positively or negatively.
This is where biblical meditation enters the video of your mind. As we think on a scriptural truth over and over again, we are growing that truth or renewing our mind. The more we think about what that truth means, how to live it out and then choose to act on that truth, our lives will begin to change.
It’s been said, “My struggle is real, but my goals are obtainable.” This is only true if meditation (see Joshua 1:8) on the truths given you by Jesus take place during that struggle. It takes time to retrain your brain, so don’t forget to mediate throughout your day.
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When Might Blessings Come

blessingsI’ve been thinking about a saying I heard earlier this year that I heard again just a few days ago. Blessing is on the other side of obedience.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, we have no known record of the Father talking to Jesus during one of Jesus’ two most intense human struggles (the other being on the cross). Why wasn’t God speaking or acting to relieve Jesus’ struggle? Jesus knew what He had to do. The only way out of the struggle was either to quit or to do what His Father had already told Him. Blessing (eternal life, reunited with Father in glory, our salvation, etc.) is on the other side of obedience (dying on the cross and an excruciating, though temporary, separation from His Father).
When you already know what Jesus wants you to do, blessing is on the other side of obedience. Your struggle today may have nothing to do with your enemy or your Father, but your will own. Blessing is on the other side of obedience. Stop struggling, in the Spirit’s power, just do it!
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Who Cares?

bible listeningIt’s been said, “I claim the holy right to disappoint men in order to avoid disappointing God.” The moment we start caring more about what our God thinks of our thoughts, words and actions than others, past or present, is the moment we’ll start walking in the freedom Christ came to bring us.
If you want to know what God thinks, start by listening to Him while reading His Word, not just reading to understand or get it done.
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The Road to Perfection is Excellence

walkingI read this quote after being in a perfect setting of eating an awesome Thanksgiving meal with my wonderful wife and kids: Perfection is unattainable, but the pursuit of perfection allows you to experience excellence.
Both sides of Scripture command and encourage us to be perfect. Yes, perfection this side of heaven is experientially unattainable. As we pursue perfection, though, we will become more and more like Jesus along the way, which is our desire, right?
As we make progress towards perfection we’ll see our lives transformed and our sin and the consequences (guilt, shame, embarrassment, insecurities, stupidity, etc.) of it further and further in our rearview mirror.
I was reminded of how thankful I should be as I read that quote. Jesus saved me, which makes perfection possible. He is saving me, which means I can make progress towards it. And, He will finish the job of saving me, which means I’ll no longer be broken but whole! I don’t know about you, but I often beat myself up over my inadequacies and failures; and yet praise the Lord that is not how God sees me.
Lord, help us to keep pursuing You with every step we take and praise You with every breath we draw. Because of You, we have a lot to for which to be thankful.
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Waiting’s Not Easy

wait“How much of or how badly do you want to experience the freedom and life Jesus came to give?” Slow down before you answer. It’s going to take waiting on Him to see both if you do. Isaiah writes, “From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for Him.” (66:4)
You have the choice to do whatever you think is best how ever you think best to do it. Yet, there is a consequence to that mindset. Tozer wrote, “It is dangerous to be so busy that you have no time to wait on God.” It’s one thing to be busy doing something and quite another to be busy doing what Jesus would have you do, which is the only true way to feel alive.
How big do you want your God to be, one you can control or One who can control you? If you want to experience a God that’s bigger than your challenges, your drugs of choice, and you, you must first learn to slow down, listen to Him and then wait to act until He says, “Go for it.” It’s not easy, but freedom is simply worth the wait.
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