Careful of the Downhill

downhillWe had just climbed six miles with an elevation gain of over 2,100 feet. We enjoyed the sites on the way up and the wondrous views of both Riverside and Orange Counties from up top. Yeah, it was difficult. And yes, we were hot and sweaty by the time we took a break for lunch. But, the return back to our car was all downhill. Easy right?
Not so fast. For me anyway, going down was harder on my hip (genetics is a wonderful thing) and stress fractured left toe than it was going up! You’re good tired. You’re heading down hill. What could be better? Relaxing too much! You can get going too fast and put added stress on your joints.
When you’re on top of the world after a personal victory or seeing the Spirit work in a mighty way, be careful. This is when the enemy loves to attack. Elijah ran from Jezebel right after a huge God empowered victory. (1 Kings 18-19)
Jesus said to watch and pray for such a time. He wants you to continue praising Him for and walking in that victory.
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Straight Into Your Eyes

eyeTo stare love in the face and not believe it, how crazy is that?
While looking into his wife’s eyes, he heard, “I love you. I’ve always loved you.” His reply was quite shocking. “I hear you, but I just don’t believe it. How could anyone ever love someone me?”
This unloved feeling led to all kinds of dangerous choices down a path that would led to his eventual loss of joy, peace and life.
Love is a major need of every human being, male and female. We have a God who says, “I love you, even in your worst moments.”
Every time you see a dove, a cross, or any other biblical symbol, God is staring you straight in the eyes and says, “I LOVE YOU!” Your choices will show whether you believe it or not. Isn’t it time you do?
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Taking Our Toxins

toxic I was talking about the Shalom or Peace Offering in Leviticus when it hit me. In this particular sacrifice, the person offered the kidneys, the liver and the fat. What they all have in common is their ability to filter out toxins. When these animals were killed and sacrificed, they still had toxins in their system. The person gave up their toxins to God in order to experience peace with God.
When we put our faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, where He took our toxic/sinful lives on Himself, we get peace with God. We are no longer enemies of God, but rather children of God.
Romans 12:2 states we are transformed by the renewing our minds, which is also a toxic filtering organ. It receives data from outside and inside us. We are then to filter out the toxins/lies using the truths of God in order to make healthy choices through the Spirit’s power, which gives us the peace of God.
God takes our poisonous choices and gives us forgiveness because of Jesus. He takes our toxic thoughts and gives us peace in and through Jesus. Stop carrying around your toxic thoughts and attitudes! Give them to Jesus, who provided the way to get rid of them through the cross, and focus on the truths He gives you. This will bring peace to your mind and heart.
This truth should give us pause to reflect on just how good and loving our God is. This truth should also move us to get rid of the toxicity in our lives and be at peace.
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Protect Your Vulnerability

sheild-heartMy wife and I were cuddling on the sofa enjoying one of the few shows we watch. In this particular show there was a battle between good and evil. Evil knew its heart was vulnerable to attack and created an invisible shield to protect it. If only we believers were as careful!
Our heart is vulnerable to attack each and every day, no matter where we go. Are we letting Jesus protect it? This protection can only come from our shield of faith. Scripture calls it the shield of faith, not some general faith, but a very specific one.
Jesus doesn’t poke at our weaknesses. He points them out to transform them into strengths, His character; and then, protects us through that process with very specific truths given from His written word.
Let Him protect your heart!
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Ungratefulness Leads Nowhere Fast

park-birdsI read a comic where the main character was feeding popcorn to the birds in the park. One of the birds said, “We’re tired of popcorn, can you bring us some juicy bugs?”
I’m thinking, with a smile on my face and a chuckle in my belly, that’s me at times. How many times have I cried out to Jesus from a lack of contentment or lack of progress in this life changing process of the Spirit, only to open a door to my drug of choice?
One way to keep that door shut is to “be thankful in all circumstances.” (1 Thess. 5:18) In Christ, we already have so much; so be thankful for what He’s already done for you. Be thankful for what He’s already given you. Be thankful for where you’re at now.
You have all you need at this very moment and will have all you need in the next one because of Jesus. Be thankful for this truth by faith. It will keep you close to Jesus, the very source of all you need.
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