Action Then Revelation

god shows upI often hear believers quote John 8:32, “The truth will set you free.” As stated, it’s believed that if they merely quote some verses from the Bible they will be free from sin and its consequences – shame, guilt, fear, embarrassment, etc.
Nope, it’s not the way God works. Before Jesus said the above words, He told those who had just placed their faith in Him, “Put this faith into action by trusting Me enough to put what I tell you (“My teaching”) into life practice (“hold to”). As you do, you will begin to understand that I’m telling you the truth (“know the truth”), which will set you free.”
Faith in Jesus means acting upon His words, not merely saying them. God’s process of life change is to first put into action what He says to do; and then, and only then, will you see freedom from your drugs of choice. In other words, as you listen to and follow Jesus, your life will be changed – not a minute before.
It’s action and then revelation, practice then life change. Want to see God work firsthand? Trust Him enough to do what He says in any given situation.
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Show the World True Freedom

freedom in ChristFor those reading from other countries, I beg your indulgence. Today is an American holiday, July 4th Independence Day. It’s the day we celebrate our country’s Declaration of Independence from England, a beginning of freedom.
John Quincy Adams, the 6th US President, once said, “Is it not in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? – That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? – That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?”
Since this grand start as a nation we’ve seemed to have lost our way. As a people, we’ve forgotten who and what our Founding Fathers stood upon – Jesus and His Word/teachings.
It was Jesus who said, “If you hold to My teachings, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” True freedom only comes by listening to and following Jesus for yourself in community – not a Christian culture, not a government and its man-made laws, and certainly not any religion with its rules and regs.
Warren Wiersbe, a noted Jesus theologian, once said, “Freedom is not the absence of restraint, nor is freedom doing what you please. That’s chaos. That could be the greatest kind of selfish bondage. Freedom is the privilege and power to become all that God wants you to become. Freedom is the opportunity to fulfill your potential to the glory of God. And the more you become like the Lord Jesus Christ, the more it releases your potential.”
It is my prayer that you, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, are using the biblical FREEdom process to show the world humanity’s true potential, which is only found in our Savior and Redeemer. My fellow countrymen and may be yours too are losing their way and could use a freedom path to follow.
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Bother Someone Today

umbrellaIt’s been said that life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. I agree with that statement, though I’ve also learned that it sure helps if someone can hold the umbrella while it rains when it’s hard to dance!
Yet, we have a hard time asking help…period. We have an even harder time asking for help from those who we feel have it all together. The truth is that no one has it all together! Everyone is in process and needs help from others to walk in the rain. It’s our weaknesses that draw us together, not our strengths.
I constantly hear from believers when it’s raining, “I don’t want to bother anyone.” For crying out loud, bother someone today! Victory in this life comes only through walking with other believers and being transparent with someone who will then pray for you (James 5:16). We need people in our lives to hold the umbrella when it rains.
Want victory today? Go bother someone by asking them talk to Jesus about and for you! An umbrella is only a text, email or call away.
Set Free Noww“W”

Cultural Conformity or Change

cultureI’ve traveled to a few countries and to various parts of the US. I’ve loved every one of them. The food is different. The people are different. The music, movies and TV shows are different. What they wear to the beach is different. Even what’s an appropriate word can be different. Notice I didn’t say any particular culture is better or worse, just different.
The question for the believer in Jesus is, who decides how you live in those different locations – the culture or Christ? The answer sounds obvious, but is it? AW Tozer once said, “One compromise here, another there and soon enough the so-called Christian and the man in the world look the same.” When someone can’t tell the difference a believer and a pre-believer in Jesus, culture decided.
Yes, we live in the world, but we are not to be like it. Christ is a wonderful example of this. He lived in a Jewish world, yet He broke all kinds of cultural taboos when He visited the woman at the well in John 4. Paul speaks about this in Ephesians 4:8-10, “You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.” Jesus found what pleased His Father, not His culture, and did it.
Not all cultures have it wrong, but none have it all right either. The Word of God must be our filter to discover what pleases the Lord, no matter where we find ourselves on this planet. Tozer went on to say, “What you do not absolutely surrender and give up to God comes between you and God.” Do you want a certain TV show, clothing item, or word coming out of your mouth to become between you and Jesus? The Bible calls this separation, death.
Don’t let your culture come between you and Jesus, even if it’s a Christian one. Instead, continue to use the FREEdom process to filter your culture through so you can stay focused on allowing the Spirit to change you into Jesus’ image. Then go disciple others to do the same. Guess what? The culture will change.
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Prepared When Opportunity Knocks

opportunityI was reading the comics yesterday where the main character answers the door dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist and says, “Could you come back at a more opportune time?” The person who knocked was carrying a suitcase that read, “Opportunity.”
We often think the phrase “opportunity knocks” is about being ready to take advantage of a good situation when it presents itself. Though this is true, I’d like to put a different spin on it.
How about being prepared for when opportunities disguised as challenges come your way, are you ready to use them to become more like Jesus? Great opportunities may never come your way, but challenges certainly will.
Use your FREEdom process to practice exchanging your “have to obey” mentality with an attitude of gratitude. Remember, we don’t have to do anything for Jesus, but we have the awesome privilege of doing what we do with Him. We get to walk and talk with the King of the Universe wherever we go throughout our day!
As we practice making this exchange, we’ll be ready for all the opportunities that come our way to draw closer to Jesus – the great ones as well as the challenging ones. I know. I’m experiencing the later at the moment; and I’ll tell ya, peace sure feels good.
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