Purposeful Deception

imageIt’s all about telling a story through planned deception, which is another way of saying making a movie. Someone wants to tell a story; and to do so using the medium of film, they must purposefully use deception.
The movies about astronauts floating in space are not shot in space. It’s simply not possible nor feasible to shoot the movie in actual outer space, so they do it on a movie set using various movie making tricks.
Our enemy is a great film maker, who also tells a story through deception. He wants to make you think you’ll be happy by living your life using his worldview. And he’s using every means at his disposal to get you to believe his message is true when in reality it’s as far from the truth as the earth is from the sun.
We can make all the excuses we want for not reading the Word while listening to Jesus, but we do so at the peril of being deceived and defeated. Every day we choose not to be in and with the Word, we’ll have a harder time seeing through the deception of the avalanche of messages we hear throughout our day.
Commit today to listening to Jesus in His Word by downloading the Read the Bible in a year schedule and getting started. Jesus will give you specific truths to not only see through the deception, but to successfully live in the real world you face each day you’re on this planet.
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Faith Means Risk Taking

imageA very famous US basketball player once said, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” He was the go to guy when it came crunch time. When his team needed a basket to win the game, he wanted the ball in his hands. Because he always made the shot? No. Because he was not afraid of taking it! He missed a lot of shots, but he is not remembered for those misses. He was immortalized in the basketball world because of the few ones he made.
How did he come to make those famous shots? Because he wasn’t afraid to risk failure, missing those big shots. He practiced taking his shots and quite frankly missed more than he made. Yet the point is that he took the shot.
Walking by faith means risking failure by taking the shot. If we want to experience the good stuff that Jesus has for us, we must exercise the truth by faith asking the Spirit to empower us. Yes, we will slip up and sometimes fall, even when it’s not our intention. Yet, as we get up and fail forward, meaning we process that failure through the FREEdom process, we’ll be stronger the next time we face a similar situation. We took the shot before and missed. The next time we will take the shot and make it whereby the audience that really matters will say, “Well done My child.”
Take the risk. Trust the scripture the Spirit gives you in your BIG reading. Exercise that truth by taking the shot. Eventually it will go in and hands will be raised in victory!
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Pursue Passion

pursue passionThe reason I traveled the journey to learn the life changing process God laid in Scripture was that my dreams were being crushed. Others could make or keep my dreams from becoming reality. This insecure state of mind led me to lean on my drugs of choice, instead of Jesus, to bring me the pleasure that achieving those dreams would have brought me.
As dreams can be crushed by others, allow me to let you in on a secret. Don’t pursue your dreams. Pursue your passion. Others can affect your dreams, but not your passion. As a secure child of God, be who Jesus made you to be, not who or what someone else wants you to be or do. As we pursue the passion(s) the Spirit of God put within us, we will feel the pleasure that comes with pursuing that passion, which lessens our drive to take our drugs of choice.
Continue to listen to and follow Jesus everyday everywhere and you’ll discover and be able to pursue the passion He put within you. Pursue your passion in Jesus and you’ll enjoy the life He came to give you. Pursue your passion for Jesus and you’ll never be disappointed as you will be doing what He put in your heart. Pursue your passion with Jesus, no matter whether anyone ever recognizes or pays you for doing it and you’ll be the secure child of God that you are.
As you pursue your Jesus given passion(s) you will get to know Jesus in ways you never dreamed possible before. So, go ahead. Don’t be afraid. Get out of your man-made box and pursue your God-given passion with your personal Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Sweet Music

telephone lines“Wow, the wind sure is blowing today.” I was thinking this as I was on my prayer walk this morning. The wind was blowing strong enough for tumbleweeds and topsoil to zip past me at a pretty good clip.
Then I heard it. It sounded like a cellist lightly playing on their strings. I knew it couldn’t be. There simply was no way I could hear someone playing their cello from the nearby housing track through all the wind. That’s when I looked up. It was the heavy winds causing the overhead power lines to hum. The music it was making was quite pleasing.
Then I heard God say, “Without the wind, those power lines are nothing special to either look at or hear. Yet with wind they become something special. Without the Spirit empowering you, Chris, you’re nothing special. You need to continually stay surrendered to Me.”
So today, before I start any new task I’m going to say a little prayer, “Spirit, empower me to do this next activity for Jesus.” I’ll also be ready to repeat that prayer in the middle of that activity for without Him working through me, my life can’t be changed or make sweet music for those around me to hear. Hopefully, you’ll join me in that prayer.
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“Guilt be Gone” Spray

sprayGuilt can make us do strange things, including head to our drugs of choice. Yet, why do we let it when Scripture says things like this: “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:10-12)
Our sin is gone the moment we ask His forgiveness. He is not carrying it around. Why do we? When the guilt over something already forgiven comes back, we need to use our “Guilt be Gone” spray on it. It removes all spots of guilt.
Since God doesn’t bring our deadhead decisions up, why do we? Since God puts great distance between us and our sin, why do we bring them near?
Use your “Guilt be Gone” spray every time guilt feelings come back. Tell yourself you’ve already been forgiven for that miscue and get your focus back on Jesus and enjoy what you were doing with Him when that ugly thought came up.
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