It Really Can Get Better

imageA number of people have told me, “Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, it did. I keep saying, ‘Wow,’ every place you take us on this trip.” Each day we are meeting new people of different nationalities and faiths while experiencing Israel. Each day we are visiting new places that bring the Bible alive. It’s one wow experience after another.
This particular day ended with our group praying for peace in Syria on the Israel-Syrian border. We repeated this the next day at the Lebanon-Israel border as well.
Each day can be a new experience with Jesus. It can and should have a ‘wow’ factor every time we filter our decisions through the Word of God. It comes each time we choose to listen to and follow Jesus in our daily situations.
Don’t let your enemy rob of this good feeling as it comes from Jesus Himself. He is saying, “I am proud of you!” It’s okay to be wowed by your Jesus. It’s okay to feel good about making His kind of choices. Yes, life can really get better.
Set Free Now“W”w

Defeat Me Now or Face me Later

imageimagePictured is Tel Hazor, a city that controlled a stretch of the famous Via Maris that ran from Babylon to Egypt. Joshua destroyed this city along with it’s king, Jabin.
Yet, Deborah and Barak defeated Jabin of Hazor not even 150 years later. Error? No. This story in Judges 4 illustrates the principle that if you don’t defeat your drug of choice now, you’ll face it again and again until you do.
Joshua took out all the major Canaanite players and turned the mop operations over to that generation and their children. But they didn’t finish the job. Why? This is where the second picture comes into play.
This area was very fertile. The people saw how good they had it, got tired of war and instead of cleaning out all the remaining nations Joshua left behind, they left certain cities alone or made slaves of the remaining ones. In other words, they settled for less than following what God said to do. They said, “God, my drug (way of handling life) isn’t that bad. I’ve had enough. I don’t want to fight anymore. I’m okay the way I am.” This left the door open for this Canaanite people to regroup and get even stronger down the line; thus, Jabin 2.
The moment you settle is the moment you decide to continue fighting this drug again. Maybe not today, but you will tomorrow. When the Spirit asks for an area of your life, He’ll continue to bring pressure to bear until He’s exchanged you and your way of living with Jesus.
Deal with it now or deal with it later, but you will deal with it. Choose to become more like Jesus today by using your biblical tools. This way you experience all the good stuff both now and later.
Set Free Now“W”w

The Real “Wow” Factor

imageThis is a picture of Caesarea where King Herod built one of the ancient world’s largest ports. In doing so, he was both cheap and vain.
He built to impress others, especially Caesar. Yet, he built these columns with cheap sandstone and then covered them with a plaster, which when dried looked like marble. Though cheaply built, he wanted that “wow” factor when his guests saw them.
How much of what we do is driven by such insecurity? We want to give off a strong and successful “wow” impression on the outside; yet live in fear of others discovering who we’re really like underneath!
Jesus came to give us security as children of God. Jesus looks past the “wow” factor to the real you and says, “I re-made and am re-making you in My image and still love and will love you every step of the way.”
My friends, use your biblical tools to be comfortable in our own skin. As this happens, you don’t need your drugs to prop you up. Jesus does. He gives you the power to hear and follow Him throughout your day, which results in strength and success – the real “wow” factor. He is the rock, the real foundation for feeling good about yourself, regardless of whether others are wowed or not.
“S”et Free Nowww

Facing the Son

imageimageThis is ancient Shiloh, which the Israelis excavated right where the Bible says it would be. Funny how that works, huh? They also excavated where the Tabernacle stood. What’s pictured on the right is where the Holy of Holies once stood.
As the Tabernacle opened towards the east, those who worshipped the Lord had to face west with their backs toward the sun. This is the exact opposite direction for those who worshipped idols, who faced the sun.
In other words, one must turn their back on their idols, their drugs of choice, if they want to experience victory with each choice. One must turn their face toward God if they want to come into His presence where security, significance and love are found.
It was totally a kick to actually stand where God lived at one time on this planet! It was an awesome feeling. Yet, I know through the Son, I have everlasting access to the Father. I can stand in His presence no matter where I am on this planet. I can have victory every day if I choose to face the Son and listen to and follow His instructions. It’s not always easy to make this choice. Yet when I do, it always ends up with a smile on my face and peace in my heart.
Let me encourage you to face to the Son, rather than the sun.
S”E”t Free Nowww

Fight through Fear

imageWhat an interesting first day of Experience Israel 2014. At Independence Hall, we heard the story of one who said, “We don’t like having to send our children to the military. We want peace, but we do not apologize for wanting to live.” Fight through fear.
We met a Messianic family who reaches out to both Palestinians and Israelis with the love of Jesus…at a great cost. Intimidation tactics, physical threats and actual bodily harm have all been used against them to make them stop. Fight through fear.
We ended the day by visiting a military base and a museum that tells the story of Israel’s fight to exist both in the past and in the present. Fight through fear.
David Ortiz, a believer in Jesus, who faces tremendous amounts of persecution for his faith said, “You die each time you give into fear.” This made me stop and think. You die a little bit every time you let fear make your decisions? Wow. Then it hit me what he was trying to say. Fear keeps you from going forward towards Jesus, who is life. Thus, fear causes death as it separates you from The source of life.
Fear, not doubt, is the opposite of faith. Fear says, “I can’t take another step closer. It might hurt if I do.” Where doubt says, “I’m not sure if it will hurt, but I’m still going forward anyway. I’ve tasted Jesus and I want more.” Faith, trust, belief, whichever word you choose to use, draws you closer to Jesus as it enables to make healthy choices.
The Bible says that faith without works is dead, useless, has no value. If you say you believe in Jesus, you will fight through your fear and let Jesus run your life, not your fears. You will keep moving forward to get closer to and be more like the Jesus you say you believe in and love.
We don’t have to be afraid because of who our God is. As believers, Jesus paid the price for our right to eternal existence with Him today, tomorrow, and forever. Fight through your fears. Being believers in the Bible will bring persecution. Fight through your fears.
We don’t have to be afraid. Today is the day to exercise your faith. Jesus is well worth walking toward.
“S”et Free Nowww