The Silent Bell

Focus on the moment. God already has the next one.
I was reading why some of the most physically and mentally equipped US Navy Seal recruits ring the bell, a signal that they quit.
One of the reasons was that they failed to stay in the moment. They didn’t take it one movement of each exercise at a time. They started thinking about all the pain they would have to endure…down the road.
If only they had stayed focused on the task at hand. Then, once that task was over, then and only then, should they focus on the next one. The one who finishes, captures the moment rather than endures it.
Jesus’ words rang out as I read this. Roughly paraphrased, “Focus on now. Let tomorrow’s troubles wait.”
By staying with Him in the moment, we can make the right choice to follow Him in that moment.
And, He’s got all our moments, well into eternity, in His hands. But, He’s only asking us to focus on loving Him in this moment.
With all the confusing, controversial and sometimes conflicting information being thrown at you, stay focused on what you control – your choice in the moment. Let tomorrow’s choices wait until tomorrow.
Choose to do what Jesus says to do in this moment; and, the bell remains silent.

When God Steps Back

“A man who walks with God always gets to his destination.” Henrietta C. Mears.
I was sitting in service Sunday morning, when between songs, the Lord spoke. Quite loudly, as a matter of fact.
“Come near to Me, and I will come near to you.” I knew it was the Lord as it was straight from James 4:8.
Then I sensed the Spirit saying, “What if God took a step back, would you take a step toward Him?” It’s a way of saying, “Do you trust Me? If so, take a step toward Me.”
What’s interesting is that the James context is all about humbling yourself to let Him change your life.
God takes a step back so we can see our need of letting Him change our lives. The only way to describe it, though, is being numb. You neither feel good nor bad. You just are.
God is still with you!! He’s like a daddy, however, with His arms stretched out waiting for you to walk towards Him.
If this is you today, take whatever step He’s asking of you. Then the feeling of being tight with Him will return.

Time to Toughen Up

To not fight is to lose.
“I’ve been bombed!”
I noticed a small glob of bird “droppings” on my sweatshirt as my chair was directly under a bare hanging branch that was directly across from a birdhouse (pictured).
For the past few days, I’ve been watching a mom and pop duo feed their young’uns inside their house. It’s been fascinating to watch as one enters while another leaves to scrounge up some grub.
Yet, before they enter the nest, they take a number of fly-by circles to see if the coast is clear. One day it was not as we saw them repeatedly dive bomb an “intruder” who wanted their babies. It was warfare, baby, pure and simple.
Make love, not war! This slogan from the ‘60’s doesn’t fit the reality in which we live – neither in nature nor in the life of the Jesus follower (2 Cor. 10:4).
If we want to become more like Jesus (1 Pet. 1:17), we must learn the art of war (Eph. 6) to defeat our old programming (the flesh) and our adversary.
We know the final outcome of this war. Satan is gone forever and we become just like Jesus (Phil. 1:6). Until then, it’s war.
It’s time for Western believers in Christ to toughen up. We live between two worlds where there is war. Why should this surprise us?
Victory is ours…if we choose to fight. The world around us needs to see love in action, which means fighting back.
It’s time to grow a stiff backbone in Christ! To do anything else is to lose this fight.

Pick a Side

By not choosing Jesus, you have chosen which side you’re on.
Habakkuk 2:4 states the “righteous will live by faith.” Biblical theologians love to use this verse to show that salvation has always been by faith and not works – no matter what side of the book you read.
This is truth! But they also forget to share the context of this verse.
God was ready to use the Babylonians to destroy many nations, including Israel. Why? The people Habakkuk lived among were violent and getting away with doing wrong. He writes in 1:4, “The Law is paralyzed and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous so that justice is perverted.”
It was during these times of injustice that people were called to pick a side. Some were puffed up and didn’t want to do the right thing while the righteous were encouraged to continue to live by faith.
In the midst of unjust and chaotic times, those who follow the Lord are told to live by faith rather than by their drugs of choice.
When I wrote More Than a Sunday Faith, those who claimed to be Jesus followers took up only 9-10% of those sitting in the pews on a given Sunday. I recently heard, but couldn’t verify, the number has risen to 17%. Either percentage is too low!
Biblical faith is seen, not just said. It acts upon what Jesus told them to do. Thus, if all those who say they love Jesus, obeyed Him, can you imagine the impact we could make in the midst of an unjust world?
Want to fix the injustices in America or the country in which you live? Choose to live by faith no matter what the world around you looks like.
Don’t get caught in the emotions, the logical arguments or the politics. Live by faith, an action step, in Jesus! One person can make a difference. But, you must choose a side.

The Power of One

“You may not do something big, but by doing something, you may make a big difference.”
What do a cloth maker, a small time farmer, three governmental administrators, and a mom who made her son’s lunch have in common?
They each made a decision to live by faith; and thereby, changed the world.
Rahab was a prostitute who believed what she heard about the LORD, saw her life changed, entire family saved, and ended up being in Joseph’s, Jesus’ stepdad, family tree.
Gideon was a fearful farmer who believed what the LORD told him, which led to an entire nation rising up to defeat those who had enslaved them.
Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, Daniel’s buddies, trusted their LORD to take care of them no matter if their boss “fired” them or not. Their stand for truth became another witness of many that led their boss, a king of kings, to faith in the LORD.
And, an unnamed mom made an unnamed son, who wanted to hear Jesus, a lunch that was used by Jesus to feed 5,000 that would be one of Jesus’ many proofs of being God.
What can you do in times like ours – national tension, CoVid19, racial, political, and economic divides – to make a difference? Do what Rahab, Gideon, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah and a boy and his mom did – listen and follow the LORD. Seriously.
It’s a lie that neither you nor I can do anything about what is going on around us!
We believe God lives inside us, right? We say we love Jesus, right? Then allow Him to change you, empower you and stand up for truth through you – no matter where that might be.
If the six degrees of separation theory is true, then changing society can begin with you. Listen to Jesus. Do what He says. And though the world may never know your name, it will feel the effects of a life changed by Jesus – yours.
In Christ, you are not impotent. With the Spirit’s power, one person can make a difference!