Prepare Ahead of Time for Victory

My wife and I love to ride our motorcycle, especially in the back country of north San Diego County. Our rides are very relaxing, even though my head is on a swivel. I’m constantly on the look out for cars pulling out in front of me, for where I could escape if they did, and even places where I could ditch my bike with the least amount of bodily injury.
It is the same with our walks with Jesus. He told us to “watch and pray” so we would not enter into temptation. We all know the places where we fall or are vulnerable to our enemy’s attack. Our Lord told us to “watch” or be prepared for the temptation. Our heads should be on a swivel. It’s not a matter of if our enemy will attack, but when (1 Peter 5:8-9).
We are not only to watch out, but we are also to “pray”. Keep in mind you don’t just fall into sin. You’ve been thinking about it before hand. So when the temptation comes, you step right into it. But if you’re prepared ahead of time you have a much higher chance of victory.
One author said it this way. “Some guys seem to think that it’s impossible to resist temptation. I’ve found that if I’ve already thought through a situation and have a response prepared ahead of time in the event temptation rears its ugly head, it is that much easier to resist.”
Prepare yourself for battle! Know your weak spot (i.e. the area of your life the Spirit wants to change). Memorize the truths He’s given you and use them to filter out your enemy’s lies each day. Know when and where you’re most vulnerable to be attacked. Think through how you will respond when the attack comes. And when it does, ask the Spirit to help you see the temptation and empower you to run to Jesus.
Prepared to win or prepared to fail. Choose wisely today my friend.

Freedom Comes Through Taking Risks

You don’t know how often I’ve heard, “Everybody else is doing it.” Even Christians say it, like it’s some kind of magic get out of jail free card. No, this is a lie-based message that needs to be filtered out of our thinking. First of all, not everyone is doing it! Second, what if everyone was doing it, is what their doing in your best interests? Maybe. But who do you know for sure has your best interests at heart? Jesus. And what is He asking you to do? Take a risk (Hebrews 11:6) and trust Him.
The greatest test of freedom is not the polls you take, but in the risks you take. Freedom from your drugs of choice is dependent upon your ability to take a risk, not in following the crowd. Sin does seem like the right thing to do, for the moment. Our drugs of choice do make us happy, temporarily. Our freedom from all the negative side effects of those sinful repeated behaviors is to go against what we think and feel and take a risk, a step of faith, to trust the Word of God. By choosing to take a risk and exercise the truth the Spirit has given you, you’ll get closer to Jesus, the only One who can meet your needs today and tomorrow.
You choice today is: follow yourself, the crowd or Jesus. Who truly has your best interests in mind?

Live an Out of Control Life

When I make the following statement, people often look at me like I’m some kind of goof ball: the more dependent upon the Spirit you are the more independent you become.
Think about it for a moment. As we surrender control of our thinking, our will and our decisions to Jesus, the more love, joy and peace we’ll experience. As you do this, you’re becoming more independent from sin, which robs you of said love, joy and peace.
Said another way, being out of control is a good thing! The price of gas and food, job insecurity, family choices, drivers on the road, all seem to be beyond our control, which leaves us feeling less than stellar about ourselves. Thus, giving up control of our lives to Jesus is the only way to be safe and secure in the out of control world we live in each day. The more we use our biblically-based truth filter to screen out Satan’s lie-based messages (e.g. being in control is the only way to be okay) and surrender our daily situations to Jesus, we’ll get further away from sin and closer to Jesus, the Source of daily security.
Want to feel better than okay today? Go crazy. Give up control. Trust the truths the Spirit has given you to practice and focus on today. You’ll be more than glad you did!

Oh Yeah It’s Monday

Here we are at the end of another wonderful, but oh too short weekend. Are you ready to begin another week? Is today, “Oh yeah it’s Monday!” or “Oh bummer it’s Monday!”? Hopefully, it’s the former. As healthy believers who understand that we can live in Jesus’ presence every day and experience His joy and love throughout that day, we should be ready to see our God show up in our lives. This is our hope as believers. We have a God who loves to walk with us.
Our God shows up in the most obvious and subtle ways possible. He loves you. As someone once said, “The goal is to discover God in the mundane, in a moment of boredom and turn these experiences around into an encounter with the holy.” So, be ready for Him to encourage you through His Word at the exact moment you need it. Be prepared for Him to give you the strength to be victorious over your drug of choice. Keep your ears open to hear His voice tell you to pray for your BIG partner when you least expect it.
This is not only the day the Lord made, but the week as well. It starts today, Monday. Your God wants to make Himself known to you. Be ready to see it! As you get together with your BIG partners this week, how will you praise Him?

New and Improved Truth?

You can sit in “church,” go to endless Bible studies, take Bible classes and listen to countless pastor’s podcasts. This is all fine and good. But Bible knowledge/facts won’t change your life until you put those facts to work. We live in a fallen world where Satan controls the message. Sometimes his lies are easy to spot. And sometimes they are packaged like the one in this comic strip.

How would you know if there was actually a Danae “Group”? You’d have to do some research. How do you know whether the messages you’re receiving throughout your day are lies? Do your research! Satan knows how to slip the “new and improved truths” past those who are uniformed
Be informed by reading the Word of God for yourself and listening to Jesus, the Word of God, give you the truths you’ll need to filter out your enemy’s lies. New and improved truth might be slick and sleek, but it can be filtered out with a biblically-based truth filter operating throughout your day, not just on Sunday. You must take “every thought captive” (2 Cor. 10:5) through the Word of God, not just some. Do more than hear God’s Word. Use it as your daily filter!